We are pregnant!

We found out we were pregnant on 1/2/08.....I was feeling really tired on 1/1/08, like a truck had hit me! After so long of trying to conceive, I didn't really think it was due to pregnancy, but rather our recent trip to PA to visit the Picarelli side of the family for the Holidays. I decided to take a test, more out of routine than actually expecting to see a positive result. At first, there was only the one line, and I resolved to another month of trying. However, as I made the long walk down the hallway to the trashcan, I decided to glance at that little stick just once more....thank goodness I did, because there, ever so faint, was a tiny little pink line!
I had been waiting for this moment for what seemed like an eternity...thought for sure it would be negative, like all the others before. Praise the Lord, we had been blessed! I called Dave right away, to tell him, YOU ARE GOING TO BE A DADDY! Needless to say, he was excited!

1/19/08 Six weeks pregnant...already a slight pudge!?!? I was already starting to feel some slight morning sickness, extreme fatigue, and slight food aversions including seafood and processed meats. I started on a pregnancy work-out routine the night before....got to try and keep in shape! Boy did it do a number on me...was sooooo sore the next day! The Baby was about 1/8inch long and growing rapidly! I couldn't believe our baby was inside me....we loved him so much already!

2/5/08 8.5 Weeks pregnant... Our first Ultrasound, and the baby was moving already! I had been battling with serious morning sickness since I turned 7 weeks, major food aversions, and often could only eat bread, toast, crackers, and gingerale. I even bought those seaband wrist bands to try to get relief! It was all worth it though...we went to our first ultrasound... I was so nervous, after hearing about others who went in at 8weeks only to find no heartbeat or a sac without a baby. Being pregnant was somewhat fantasy at this point... I hadn't seen the baby yet. So, as soon as she fired up that ultrasound and I saw a tiny flutter on the screen, I broke down in tears....there was our baby, alive, and REAL. The heart beat was strong, baby was the perfect size! In a couple of shots the baby was actually moving his arms! What a wonderful experience...one that is truly life changing and unexplainable. For the first time, THIS THING WAS FOR REAL! God is truly amazing! The doc said baby looked great. She did find a small fibroid on my uterus, and said it most likely wouldn't cause any problems with the pregnancy, but that a high-risk OB would do an ultrasound later in the pregnancy to make sure. I was so happy!

2/21/08- 10.5 weeks
Finally I was feeling better...I hadn't had morning sickness for the past 5 days, so was wondering if I was finally in the clear.... My belly seemed larger than life already and I had officially started wearing maternity jeans! I didn't know where it was all coming from, since the baby was only 1.5 inches long! I had started to grease my belly and breasts with coco butter after each shower, praying that I would ward of the evil stretch marks. We got the baby's room cleared out (use to be the home office), so though it was bare, it was officially the nursery! I continued to feel nervous, excited, and amazed by this whole process.

3/6/08- 12.5 weeks
Had our 3 month doctor's appointment today...and got to hear the tiny heartbeat! It was strong and regular, and in the 160's, so the doctor said it could be a boy! there was no telling yet. My belly was getting bigger, as seen in the photo, but I was loving every inch! Morning sickness had finally started to go away a bit, thought it would catch up with me every so often. At least I was able to eat more of a variety of foods, and my appetite was increasing. Better watch out, I had already gained 9lbs!

3/27/08- 15.5 weeks
I felt the baby move today! I was bound and determined to feel that tiny kick...I have been listening to the baby's movements with a Doppler when I am able to steal the chance at work....sounded like it was swimming a relay race! So when I got home, I lay very still on my back, closed my eyes, and concentrated very hard....it took about 15 mins, but there it was, the smallest little flutter just below my bellybutton! How exciting...I called Dave immediately and told him...I think he is jealous that he couldn't feel it from outside my tummy yet!

4/4/08- 16.5 weeks
Had our 4 month doctors appointment this week...heartbeat continued to beat strongly, and was still in 150's-160's. We got our quad-screen done this week, a simple blood test that tests AFP levels to determine the risk of Trisomy 18, Trisomy 21, and spinal defects. I held my breath for 3 days to get the results...it was hard to be a Neonatal Intensive Care nurse and know all the bad things that can happen to those little ones! But, finally the call came, and everything was normal! I was relieved, and called my husband immediately. What joy! I was feeling lots better, and only had morning sickness every once in a while, usually when I got dehydrated or really tired, so I tried to keep up with my sleep and fluids! I continued to feel the baby move periodically, usually at least once a day, and the movement was becoming much more distinct...it would stop me mid-sentence! Now we were just waiting for that April 16th appointment to see our little one again via ultrasound.....

4/16/08-19 weeks
We had our 19 week ultrasound today.....ITS A BOY!!! We officially named him Jacob Ryan Picarelli. Dave was certain it would be a girl, because he so badly wanted to have a boy! His jaw dropped to the floor when the ultrasound tech said it was a boy....she even had to show multiple views of the penis for it to sink in! Needless to say, we were overjoyed and so very excited to start our life with our new son! September just can't get here fast enough! The doctor said that baby Jacob looked perfect in every way....being a NICU nurse, I of course was making sure every organ was present, a 4-chamber heart, appropriate brain ventricles, a stomach bubble and bladder bubble were present, etc.... at the end, everything was present and accounted for! I am praying that he gets his daddy's eyes....

4/29/08- 20.5 weeks
Had our 20-week OB appointment today. The doctor checked my cervix and said it was thick and closed, as it should have been. My weight gain had slowed down quite a bit (thank goodness), but doctor says it was appropriate. Next appointment I will have my glucose test to test for gestational diabetes. Jacob had been very active...I could feel arms and feet moving all the time! The painter was scheduled to come next month to paint the nursery...we decided to paint the nursery green...but still hadn't found the perfect crib!

5/7/08- 22 weeks
The baby was moving all the time, to the point where I could distinguish little feet from little hands! My belly was getting so big, at this point I wasn't sure it would stretch any further! Little did I know...

5/30/08 25 weeks
The painters came this week and we finally started getting the nursery put together... Jacob finally had a place of his own in our home. We had our Doctor appointment this week, all looked good and Jacob's heartbeat was still steady and strong!

6/9/08 26.5 weeks
We had our follow-up ultrasound today... what wonderful images we were able to get! Jacob looked great, and was actually starting to get chubby cheeks, as seen in the photo. I got my follow-up glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes. I ended up being classified as "borderline" gestational diabetic, so I had to start on the nasty diabetic diet to ensure Jacob didn't grow too big... The doctor estimated that he weighs about 1095 grams already...very big for 26 weeks!

6/15/08- 27weeks
I had been working on my tan, and my belly just kept growing! This was the best time in pregnancy, no aches/pains aside from having to stick to that diabetic diet! My weight gain had remained normal, so the diet must have been working...

7/22/08 32.5 weeks
We went to visit the Picarelli side of the family in Pennsylvania over the weekend....was a long trip for a very pregnant person, but we made it and had a great visit. My belly was getting realllllly big at this point, and I was greasing it at least 2 times a day...so far it had worked, because no stretch marks yet.... I was now seeing the doctor every two weeks. We were now in the home stretch, and very excited about meeting Jacob for the first time!

7/26/08- I had my family baby shower today...a small gathering of family and friends. They were so generous and loving...I got my Glider/ottoman I've been dreaming of, and many new things for baby Jacob!

8/10/08 35.5 weeks
Today was my baby shower thrown by the girls from work... it was a wonderful gathering of all my closest girlfriends, and they "showered" us with gifts. We were getting closer and closer to the big day!

8/15/08 36 weeks
I had been having braxton hicks contractions periodically and feeling lots of pressure on my cervix....Jacob continued to kick me in the ribs, at times it was even painful! At our doctors appointment that day my cervix was still closed and high, but had started to soften, so Jacob was trying to get things moving!

8/19/08 36.5 weeks
We had a doctors appointment today, and my cervix was dilated 2cm and 50% effaced....Yeah! Cervical Change!

8/21/08 37 weeks
I lost my mucus plug today, which may mean Jacob could be born at any time. I wasn't really feeling much contractions, but the pressure on my cervix had grown significantly, so I knew something was happening..... I started using the birthing ball to sit on to help open up the pelvis and help Jacob drop down into the birthing canal....

8/26/08 37.5 weeks
Had another doctors appointment today, and no real changes in the cervix... still about 2cm dilated and 50-75%effaced. I was a bit depressed, thinking for sure I would be going all the way to 40weeks! I desperately wanted to meet Jacob... but was reassured by Dave that Jacob would come when he was ready. Little did we know that it would be sooner than later.....

8/27/08 37.5 weeks
Had some braxton hick contractions and LOTS of cervical pressure last night, and for a short period of time, I actually thought I may be in early labor...but when I woke in the morning, there was nothing...no contractions, no nothing. Jacob continued to be active, but my uterus had seemed to fall asleep. I decided to take advantage of the situation and got lots done...grocery shopping, cleaning the house, running errands. Dave got home from work and we sat down for a nice dinner. After dinner, I lost more of my mucus plug! I told Dave that Jacob would most likely come anytime now. Then we settled down on the couch to watch our favorite Wed. night tv, and when I got up to go to the bathroom, I felt some leaking...I told Dave that I thought my water had broken... at first he didn't believe me... but when I went to sit on the toilet, GUSH!!!!!! And immediately afterwards started the contractions, strong and regular, every 3-4 mins..... WE WERE IN LABOR!!!!! Jacob was on his way! Our bags were already packed, so both Dave and I took quick showers and off we went to the hospital!

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