Happy New Year! Jake is 17months old

I have been fighting off morning sickness this month, and though it is not as bad as my first pregnancy, it is definitely there! Jake has been such a good boy despite having a tired and sick mommy! He is working on using his utensils for eating (still needs some help unless we are prepared for a BIG mess!), and learning new words. He can say "please," and we encourage him to say it often! Other favorites are "star, moon, ball, blanket, balloon, and elephant." We are definitely seeing more signs of the inevitable terrible two...more tantrums and limit testing for sure! Jake is particularly interested in coloring with crayons (and really enjoys coloring on everything except paper), wrestling with daddy, reading books, sorting shapes, stacking blocks, and helping mommy clean the house (he is fascinated by the vacuum cleaner and spray bottles!). Overall, we have had a great start to the new year!

Mommy's Belly at 8 weeks Pregnant

1/4/10- Me being very serious

Awww, you know I couldn't keep that up for long!

Mommy's nail file is so interesting....

1/8/10- Wrestling with Daddy....he is so funny!

Grandma B has a toy kitchen at her house for all the grandchildren to play with.....

I love to open the doors and pull stuff out of them!

1/16/10- I want Cake...its Grandma B's Birthday!

That was soooo good!

1/19/10-I'm trying on Mommy's work badge before she leaves for work....

I'm not sure I like this thing anymore!

1/22/10- me and blanky

so soft and cuddly!

1/25/10- I'm trying to hide my cheese-stained mouth.....

Here it is!

I'm so silly!
1/26/10-Here I am practicing using my utensils....I've got lots of them to choose from!

I'm such a big boy!

Catch ya next month!

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Great pictures this month! I am so impressed he is using silverware!!