Jacob's 49th Week

Jacob ate a WHOLE banana in one sitting! He is communicating so much more, pointing at things he wants and vocalizing. He got his first pair of crock shoes from Grandma B, and went to the Zoo again where he pet a goat and a sheep (not too sure he was such a big fan of that.... must take after Daddy with the whole dirt and germ thing!). He continues to cruise around the house on his tricycle, and knows how to steer and back up when he comes across a barrier.... he is so smart!
8/11/09- Me and mommy


Uh, Ok mom...that's enough picture taking for one afternoon!

Mmmmm....Cheese Puffs!

8/11/09- My first pair of Crocks!

They fit perfectly!

Thanks Grandma B!

8/12/09- Me and my tricycle...

Are you watching Mom?

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