Jacob's 19th week

Jacob is more fun than ever...he is just like a little person, lots of personality and developing new skills every day! He has started to exhibit some stranger anxiety, and seems to prefer those with dark hair (gee, I wonder why...). We took another trip to PA this week, and Jacob was a great traveler! We had a wonderful visit with Nanny, Aunts, and cousins....we only wish we lived closer so we could visit more often! Jake had his first New Years this week, and went to a party with Dave...unfortunately, he didn't exhibit the party spirit while there, and poor Dave had to sooth a fussy baby the whole time! Oh well, Jake isn't quite the party type just yet....

12/30/08- Me at my 4month Doctor's visit...I had to get 2 more shots....they hurt bad! (this is me before the shots...)

12/30/08- Me on the doctor scale...I was moving for the picture, so the scale reads lighter... I really weighed in at 16lbs even, 26.5 inches long...so big I almost can't fit on this baby scale anymore!

1/30/08- Big smiles just before getting my jammies on...

1/1/09- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

1/1/09- No time to party...got to focus on these toys here.....

1/2/09- My second visit to PA...here with cousins Gina and Megan

Me and my Nanny

Is this how I pray Nanny?

Hey....I'm almost as big as my cousin Hannah!

Me showing Nanny how good I stand up...

1/7/09- I like to suck on my bottom lip now...strange but true!

Ahhhh, but there is no substitute for good old thumbie!

1/8/09- 19 weeks old now... and so big, mommy had to put my jumperoo up to the next height level!

Still picture perfect!

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