Jacob Turns 5 months old

Wow has time flown! Our baby boy is now 5 months old, and growing, growing, growing! He is 27inches long and approximately 16-16.5lbs.....what a tank! He is cuter than ever, and keeps us laughing all the time.....

1/24/09- Me in my new jammies...

And the saying is oh so true!

1/28/09- another set of new jammies... can you believe they are size 6-12months?!?!
1/26/09- I'm getting soooooo big!

Jacob's 21st Week

Jacob continues to talk up a storm, often shrieking out loud to hear his own voice. He rolled over for the first time, from his back to his stomach...poor daddy wasn't home from work yet, and has been trying to get him to do it again since! Jacob also started "solid" food this week, rice cereal. He eats it 1-2 times a day....at first, he spit most of it out, but just a few days later, is eating it well and eagerly! He is such a quick learner! We are officially in size 6 month clothing, with only a few of his 3-6month clothes fitting, and size 2-3 diapers (size 2 no longer fits!).....oh how fast they grow!

1/15/09- all bundled up to go out in the snowstorm....

1/19/09- Me in my cool outfit...aren't my bluejeans cool?
All smiles!

Blowing Bubbles....

Me and mommy...I want that toy!

1/21/09- Eating my rice cereal.....


give me more!

Cereal Chin!

In the end, there is no replacing my thumbie!

Jacob's 20th Week

1/11/09- Me riding on mommy's legs...
Don't let go mommy!
Hey mommy, are you still down there?

Ohhhh! This is fun!

Mom, I'm not so sure I'm enjoying this as much as you are....

Again, you seem to be having more fun here....

1/12/09- Here I am talking up a storm...

1/12/09- I like to suck on my lower lip all the time now...don't I look cute?

Jacob's 19th week

Jacob is more fun than ever...he is just like a little person, lots of personality and developing new skills every day! He has started to exhibit some stranger anxiety, and seems to prefer those with dark hair (gee, I wonder why...). We took another trip to PA this week, and Jacob was a great traveler! We had a wonderful visit with Nanny, Aunts, and cousins....we only wish we lived closer so we could visit more often! Jake had his first New Years this week, and went to a party with Dave...unfortunately, he didn't exhibit the party spirit while there, and poor Dave had to sooth a fussy baby the whole time! Oh well, Jake isn't quite the party type just yet....

12/30/08- Me at my 4month Doctor's visit...I had to get 2 more shots....they hurt bad! (this is me before the shots...)

12/30/08- Me on the doctor scale...I was moving for the picture, so the scale reads lighter... I really weighed in at 16lbs even, 26.5 inches long...so big I almost can't fit on this baby scale anymore!

1/30/08- Big smiles just before getting my jammies on...

1/1/09- HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

1/1/09- No time to party...got to focus on these toys here.....

1/2/09- My second visit to PA...here with cousins Gina and Megan

Me and my Nanny

Is this how I pray Nanny?

Hey....I'm almost as big as my cousin Hannah!

Me showing Nanny how good I stand up...

1/7/09- I like to suck on my bottom lip now...strange but true!

Ahhhh, but there is no substitute for good old thumbie!

1/8/09- 19 weeks old now... and so big, mommy had to put my jumperoo up to the next height level!

Still picture perfect!