Jacob is18 Months Old!

Jacob is a year and a half old already! We can't believe how fast the time has gone! We had major snow storms this month, and Jacob played in the snow for the first time. He was overwhelmed at first, but picked up on snowball making quickly, and anything that is a ball is great fun! Jacob can now identify a few letters, his favorite and first being the letter "O". His vocabulary continues to grow by leaps and bounds, still no full sentences or even fragments of them, mostly just single words and pointing. We are now 12+ weeks pregnant, and in full swing of morning sickness (boooooo). Dave and Jacob have been so very understanding though! We will find out what sex the baby is on March 12...so exciting!
Mommy at 12 weeks pregnant

2/5/10- Here I am all dressed up to play in the snow!

Mom, what is this stuff!?!

It's COLD!!!!!

And there is soooooo much of it!

Ewww! I don't like this in my pants!

Ok, it isn't so bad...these snowball things are great!

2/8/10-gonna get my mower all ready for spring...

2/13/10-Me and Daddy, playing with his necklace

good times!


Seriously mom, enough taking pictures!


2/14/10-I like this seat!

Eating the giraffe

2/19/10- Sipping out of Mommy's straw

Me and my Mr. Monkey!

Dancing with Mr. Monkey

See you next month!