Happy 1st Birthday Jacob!

Our baby boy is ONE YEAR OLD!!!!! We had a wonderful birthday party surrounded by family and friends at Highbanks Metro Park...the setting was absolutely beautiful, not a cloud in the sky, and perfect weather! Jacob had a great time playing with friends and all the wonderful gifts he received.... the present table was overflowing! Jacob wasn't too keen on getting his hands all messy with the smash cake, so he had to be encouraged (looks like he inherited the neat gene from Daddy!) to dig into the cake. All the kids had a great time with the pinata and watching Jacob opening his gifts. Jacob loves his new toys, and riding in his new wagon!

9/29/09- The gift table

The Pinata and Plates

party favors...candy bars that say "so fun to be 1" with my picture in the "O"

Me and Mommy

Me and Daddy

Aunt Tt...she helped Mommy decorate and pull the party together....what a big help!

Me and Pops

My Godparents Chris and Laura came all the way from Michigan to wish me a happy birthday!

My Cake!

Daddy feeding me a piece of my smash cake

A few words of encouragement from Aunt Tt...

Pinata time!
Daddy was tall enough to hold the pinata while we all raced for the candy!


Me and Bella sitting in my Wagon while Mommy and Ryan show me a book...

9/29/09- After the party....trying out my new wagon....

This is one sweet ride!

Me riding on my jumping zebra....

Oh what fun!

I can stand up at this activity block Grandma B and Pops gave me!

Thanks for a great party and all the gifts everyone!

Jacob's 51st Week

Only one week away from Jacob's big One Year Birthday Party! We can't believe he is turning one already...the time has gone so fast, and Jacob has grown into such a sweet little guy! Jake continues to love riding his tricycle and now uses it to get into cupboards and drawers....he likes riding it so much, he may never learn to walk or crawl!

8/22/09- I use my tricycle to get around and help me get into things....

Oh...don't mind me...I'm not up to anything!

OK mom....I've got the pledge, time to clean!

8/27/09- Big boy, almost one year old....I'm playing it cool though, I'm not excited or anything...

hmmmm...what is in here?
