Jacob is 10 months old!
Jacob attended his first wedding this week, the wedding of Godparents Chris and Laura Strong. We stayed in a hotel room (Jacob's first stay in a hotel) and he did wonderful...got a bath in the bathroom sink and slept well (way better than mommy and daddy did, for sure). He wore his little pinstripe suit to the wedding and was a hit with everyone, and was very well behaved. Jacob turned 10 months old this week...my how fast the time is flying...
6/26/09- Here I am getting a scrubby in the sink!
Happy Father's Day!
Jacob helped Dave celebrate his first official Father's Day this week. We celebrated while in Kane PA visiting all of Jacob's aunts, uncles, cousins, and Nanny Picarelli. We had a wonderful visit, and a great Father's Day. Jacob has been practicing "sharing" and will hand objects to you, but with the full expectation of getting them back again! Jacob tried out his new pool this week, which took some getting used to, but eventually was a hit. Still working on becoming more mobile, and is better able to get into a sitting position from the "crawl" position. What a big boy!
6/20/09- Me with Aunt Robbie...she gave me lots of lovin'!
6/20/09- Me and my Nanny!
Me all snuggled up after getting a bath at Nanny's....
6/21/09- me and Daddy on his first Father's Day.... with all my presents I gave him!
6/23/09- Me and Pops looking at the tractor plowing the field....
6/23/09- Look at me on my first Radio Flyer Tricycle!
I love these tassle things....

Jacob's 41st Week
Jacob looks and acts more and more grown up each day! This week, HE FINALLY SAID MA-MEEEE! He is also climbing all over us when we lay with him on the floor, and will rock back and forth when we put him in the "crawling" position. He will now "give" a toy to you, so is practicing sharing already. He had a playdate at the mall with Isabella, and got lots of hugs and kisses. Jacob is getting better at moving backwards when on his little ride-on bike, and cruised all around the kitchen... he surprised himself and was in awe at the fact he was semi-mobile! Perhaps this will entice him to start crawling.....
6/12/09- All ready for a walk to the park with Mommy
Check out my flippy-flops...they look just like Daddy's....
Whoo....this goes high!
But it sure is fun!
Mommy, you still looking?
Jacob's 40th Week
Poor little Jacob was sick this week, had a high temp and stuffy nose for the majority of the week. Bless his heart though, he was so good despite not feeling well! What a little angel! He learned to pat his mouth while singing to make funny sounds and has discovered that hiding food and toys under his highchair tray is oh so much fun! I find all sorts of goodies hidden there after each meal....We had a playdate at the mall this week, and Jacob had great fun playing with all of his pals.
6/9/09- Here I am trying to distract Mommy so she doesn't notice I am stashing items under my highchair tray....

Mmmmm...this cookie looks like it would fit nicely....
Oh! I've been caught! Mommy found my cookie and my fireman rubber duckie!

6/9/09- Bathtime!
6/11/09- Playdate with Loc, Cameron, Brooklyn, and Cayla
Mmmmm...this cookie looks like it would fit nicely....
6/9/09- Bathtime!
6/10/09- I look cool even when I am asleep!
I'm just gonna play it cool.....
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